January 2024 Art Compilation
I had a hard time deciding on my goals for this year but I was sure of one thing. I want to make drawing a priority for 2024. Last year (2023), I think I got too caught up with “not so” important tasks that I ended up ignoring my sketchbooks.
I’m happy to say that January was a good month for me in terms of creating art also regret to say that I am not doing good so far in February but I understand that there’s just things in life that takes priority over making art. It can get discouraging sometimes to realize that I have not been making art as much as I would like but looking back at these sketches, it somehow makes me feel better about it.
I guess this is one of the best things about keeping a sketchbook. It makes you look back on your art and makes you appreciate your past self for making the effort. And hopefully give you hope that you can get back to drawing anytime! Life may not allow me to make art as much as I want to right now but still hopeful that I will get back to it one day!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! Shares and comments are highly appreciated!